Be known for more than just amazing wine.

Wine2Water helps your product stand out with the universally valued, clearly understood need for clean, safe water.

A Giving Program as Effortless as a Great Bottle of Wine

Today, an amazing product alone isn’t good enough. 80% of customers are more willing to recommend brands that do good, over ones that don’t, but most products lack a clear, consistent and universally valued charitable giving program. Most giving initiatives are confusing, scatter shot, hard to administer, and most importantly don’t resonate with your diverse customer. The truth is, if your corporate giving program is not immediately understood, valued and memorable to the customer, you might as well not have one.

Wine2Water was created to solve these problems. We’ve created a turn-key, universally valued, flexible solution for the wine industry to implement in a way that makes sense for your business.


Use our icon to signal to customers that your product stands for more than just amazing wine.


We’ll help you create marketing materials that engage your customers. This includes dynamic video updates showing them exactly how their purchase is making a difference.


As the Wine2Water program grows, the initiative becomes more memorable and meaningful for consumers. It starts driving traffic to your product and creates a hook for them to stay engaged with your brand.

A Giving Program Anchored In Impact

  • Just $2 will provide clean, safe water for 1 year to someone who goes without.
  • Your business works with us to determine the price point per purchase that works for your product. For example, some subscription boxes can do $.50 a box, we come up with the impact that this will create to resonate with your consumer.
  • Together we work with our marketing and yours to deliver value to you and our audiences and most importantly deliver clean water to those in need.

Wine2water is a giving program of Acts for Water, one of Canada’s oldest water charities. We have been building sustainable, comprehensive water projects in southwest Uganda for over 30 years through an all local team. View more at

Your Wine Product Deserves a Clear, Compelling Giving Strategy

  • are willing to pay more for products that incorporate charity over ones that do not.

    The problem is traditional charities have brands and regulations that don't lend themselves well for marketing and make it tough for businesses to partner with them easily.

  • will recommend companies who "do good" over ones that do not.

    The problem is most company giving programs are either too local to be shared widely or too complicated to be understood quickly.

  • surveyed by Nielsen rank "Access to clean water" as the number one concern when evaluating a company's CSR efforts.

    The problem is often it’s hard to understand the impact of your gift. With Wine2Water, we’ve gone to great lengths to connect the consumer to the work, through video, images and more!

  • prefer to work for an employer who gives back.

    The problem is many employers pick causes that are personally meaningful but lack broad appeal or may be too costly for average employees to participate in.

Sell More Wine, Give More Water

  • wine subscriptions
    wine subscriptions
  • wine brands
    wine brands
  • restaurants
  • festivals
  • tasting fees
    tasting fees
  • more events
    more events

About Acts for Water

Wine2Water is a marketing program of Acts for Water, one of Canada’s oldest charities focussing on clean, accessible water to those in desperate need. At Acts for Water, we believe giving a child clean, accessible water is the best way to help them transform their future. We created Wine2Water along with our partners because we believe Canadians are looking for new ways to solve the most important problems facing our planet.

Learn more about Acts for Water here

Be Known For More Than Just Great Wine


Reach out to us today for a conversation about how we can implement Wine2Water for your unique business.


We will have you set up with all the administrative, marketing and customer impact materials needed in no time!


Acts for Water is covering the administrative fees associated with this program so your customers can be certain that 100% of their gift is going to provide clean water to those in need.

Acts for Water

Let's Add Even More Notes To The Wine Industry

Wine2Water was created with the idea that giving back should be easy to understand, accessible to everyone, and deeply anchored in impact. Together we can connect those involved in the wine industry, from retailers to restaurants, winemakers to clubs, with the power of transforming lives through inviting customers to give back with every purchase. With a simple icon, you can join the movement and begin turning wine into water, today!

Acts for Water
Wine2Water is a marketing program of Acts for Water.

PO Box 30044 Moncton PO
Richmond BC V7E 0A6

Phone: 604-765-3001 Email: [email protected]